Friday, January 22, 2010

Legal General Saving What Is The Best Way To Save For My Retirement In UK Only?

What is the best way to save for my retirement in UK only? - legal general saving

I just had a meeting with financial advisers recommended from my bank about personal pensions - Standard Life, as your choice. I know that the bank has only 6 or 7 companies pension choice (including all the big names. "Norwich Union" Stanard Life, Prudential, Legal & General and Friends of Providence, AXA), but I'm very happy to go with large companies .

My question is - the pension is actually the best way to save for retirement? I have my own savings account with great interest, and ISA, but I wanted something more long-term future Retirement say REAL. If so, then I can really, in its recommendation, but there are other solutions, then I ask myself.

== Retirement age 65 for most people, so I'm going with this. Also note that I do if my employer pays to know, then obvosuly not the choice of the auction, but they do.

Please note that apply in the United Kingdom only, please


duncanjf... said...

You have to see his willingness to risk for bigger rewards.

Many people buy flats / houses for rent.

While the ownership of its value faster than inflation and the mortgage is less than the rental income that a good bet.

You can take more risks and that, for example, Bulgaria, rent, where you can see a lot cheaper to rent, but the same thing.

You have to see if you are willing to risk that your money could go down the value of a certain period of time to accept it in the long run, 10 min year investment

the_slim... said...

It must be said. It's boring, but it's a fantastic change.

lady_muc... said...

First, recall that the consultant is truly beneficial to the advice he has followed - if the ISA is equivalent to best suit your needs, then what he would recommend. The directors are responsible for much of the advice and today, as most of them are independent (to ensure that this is the case with your adviser), which currently offers the best option available.

It should be noted that the government provides many breaks for people who have pensions, and takes the pressure on the generation below you, that his rent should cover the state in taxes.

For investments that are designed such as ISA or investment loans for investment in the medium and long term and therefore have a limited tax benefit. You have said, savings plans, and will do just that, with a lump sum at the end of an era.

Pensions are designed specifically for retirement and its structure is the change in the rule is a tax-free lump sum and other purchases an annuity, theoffers a pension.

If you are the Council, he has received, shop around unsafe - do not you stay with a consultant - and do not be afraid and ask lots of questions!

Good luck!

tucksie said...

Move to the Isle of Man or the like, if Bliar who is disabled before you can sneeze.

ben b said...

Confidence that these liars, as you say, you have high savings in interest payments.
"In the long term," is selling a risk that large investments at risk to pay commissions (before the capital is in the early years in advance and then) in any way, but if you hold savings High savings in interest payments and the "long term" ... is a long term investment! One tactic to sell elderly for pensions at risk, which is not "long term". Nonsense! They reject the short-term savings. Nonsense!
Just think of all the disasters of pensions. After the end, they can make mistakes in the short term, and bring them to the capture of the Commission, as they go. (They dont invest these committees themselves, move it or put it in your bank, the security, while risking your money.)
Buy a property to buy, or keep the savings, Isa, and tanks under high (long warning) of interest.

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